Introducing to you our Japanese Pickles With heartfelt gratitude
We are glad this season finds you in good health.
We would like to thank you for visiting our store and provide you with some information about us.
The Izumiya Honten is a long-standing store specializing in pickle making, founded in around 1871 by Izumiya Sashichi. Since then, we have been producing handmade pickles capitalizing on the continued improved quality of the ingredients used in our manufacturing process and passing down the traditions and technology used by our store through the generations. We sincerely hope that we can bring pleasure and enjoyment to your dining and we are continually working to deliver pickles of the highest quality.
Pickles are a type of food derived through the fermentation of vegetables and have long been a part of Japanese cuisine. During the times when cold storage technology had not yet been established, the ability to ferment and store vegetables for long periods was extremely useful in the preservation of food. The eating of pickles has been recorded in numerous historical texts. The earliest recordings date back to the Nara Period (700AD) where people are recorded to have eaten pickles in Heiji-kyo, the capital city of Japan at that time. However, during these times, the salt, sugar and sake lees required in the fermentation of vegetables were considered extremely valuable commodities and the eating of pickles was reserved exclusively for the upper nobility and aristocracy.
One of the distinguishing features of our pickles is that the fermentation period is adjusted to each season and this is evident in the texture of our Japanese shallots, the crispy texture of our radishes, and in the scent of burdock and delicate flavour of ginger released when eaten. All our pickles are masterly prepared and brought to you by our dedicated artisans.
Pickles are one of the cornerstones in the long history of Japanese cuisine.
Come and enjoy our pickles.
What’s more, the flavour of our pickles intensifies, if stored in the fridge.
Finally, I would like to talk a little bit about the city where we are located; Itako City, Ibaraki.
Itako City is located in Suigo Chitai; the Riverside District, and is surrounded by Lake Kasumigaura, Hitachi-Tonegawa River, and Lake Kitaura. In June, this city boasts a vast array of millions of Irises in 500 varieties, all in full bloom.
It also hosts traditional festivals such as the “Itako Bridal Boat Festival”, the “Itako Iris Festival” and the “Itako Gion Festival”. These festivals have been cherished by the local people since times of old.
Itako, due to its geographic location as a main hub for water transport, flourished through its trade with Edo (the former name of Tokyo).
In the past and still today the surrounding Riverside District of Itako City is Japan’s leading rice-producing district and in past times when the main mode of transport of goods was by boat, the harvested rice, etc. was transported to Edo by water.
Itako had such a history and the city at that time possessed a network of waterways on a par with that of Venice, with a diversity of people travelling through and around the city by boat creating a charming atmosphere and this characterizes the picturesque landscape of the Riverside District. It’s no wonder that newly married brides travelled to meet their bridegrooms by boat on the river. This old custom is recreated in modern times in the Itako Bridal Boat Festival mentioned earlier which is held every year in June and is an event bustling with people.
The Itako Gion Festival held every year in August has a history going on 800 years. In this festival a splendid pageant of floats are paraded around the city by young men and watching the parade accompanied by the performing musicians you get a real sense of the fusion of the history and culture of the city. The floats and local performances by the musical bands in the Gion Festival have been designated by Ibaraki prefecture as tangible and intangible folk-cultural property respectively.
Please look us up when you come to Japan. We look forward to your custom.
291-1 Itako, Itako City, Ibaraki
TEL: 0299-62-2062
FAX: 0299-62-3020
Izumiya Honten
Representative Masami Hashimoto